You can now unplug your flat irons!
The days of constantantly straightening our leave outs to make it BLEND with our sew ins are OVER!
You ever had your eyes GLUED to the tv screen, wondering how celebrities and tv personalities get their leave outs to blend so EFFORTLESSLY??
Well, they DONT!
they use this WONDERFUL gift from God himself called a LACE CLOSURE!
A lace closure is basically a closure piece which is used to close off sew in installs.
If it is placed properly just behind the hairline, it can allow the wearer to wear a full weave with no hair left out while giving the appearance of a natural scalp.
yaaayyy !
Lace closures can be glued, taped, and/or sewed on.
LCs (lace closures) can come parted already or with freestyle parting, allowing the wearer to part it where ever she likes. The freestyle parting will allow plenty of styling freedom. Freestyle closures allow you to part anywhere along the closure to create the style you want.
With a good installation technique and skilled haircut, you can achieve many styling options with a closure. (Swoop bangs, headbands, ponytails)

I am still a LC virgin as of now.
I recently ordered a 14 inch 4x4 Indian Remi LC from
and will be installing it on top a sew-in in the coming weeks.
& YOU KNOW, once it is installed an update WILL be given!
all of these are LACE CLOSURES !

Lace Closures are convenient, however they require a tincy wincy bit of preparation before installation.
Do your research Khisses!
Im currently doing mine.
Will You Try This For Your Sew-Ins?
Comment & let me know what you think!
I loooooove my lace closure! As a natural girl who is not doing the traditional twist outs and such, I want to keep my hair healthy and chemical free but at the same time, let me hair hang and swing :-). I have a hard time blending my hair. Because it is longer than the front layers of my custom wigs, I have to put a bit more work into taming the inch or two I leave out. But with the lace closure all of those burdens are behind me now. lol! I don't have to worry about damaging my front pieces or flat ironing them so much that it looses its curl pattern! I am currently on a search for another closure because I have laid mine so many ways and have dyed it! I definitely got my money's worth out of it! Now its time to try a different one. I'm sold, hooked, whatever you want to call it! Say YES to the LC!